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Suzhou's new influenza H7N9 influenza reported 3 cases of confirmed cases, 2 cases were deaths..
Suzhou city government issues the announcement:Since January 12th the city suspend all kinds of live poultry Within the city limits(Wuzhong district,Xiangcheng district,Gusu district,Suzhou Industrial Park,Suzhou high-tech district).According to the late December Suzhou city has found 3 cases of confirmed cases of influenza H7N9, 2 cases of death,the patients were the aged people of 70 and over,they all lived in gusu district.They all have the history of exposure to live poultry before they died.
3 new cases are those people over 70 years old,winter and spring have high incidence of respiratory diseases,Reporter learned from health departments,The infection in Suzhou with the H7N9 avian flu has rebounded,Since January 12th Suzhou has found 3 cases of confirmed cases of influenza H7N9, 2 cases of death,the patients were the aged people of 70 and over,found they all have the history of exposure to live poultry.
After pandemic,The health department carried out Epidemic prevention and control in the first time,sterilizes the building of the 3 confirmed cases,And immediately organized personnel epidemiological investigation of the building,confirmed the close contact are 20 people,they all have implement the medical observation.as of now,they have No significant of Fever or respiratory symptoms.
The possibility of humans infected with the disease is high,Suzhou Health Department Joint the Coa Carried out a dragnet unannounced monitoring to the market in Gusu district,Xiangcheng district,Wuzhong district and Wujiang district.it is reported that The numbers of markets that been monitored are 65(35 in Gusu district,14 in Xiangcheng district,8 in Wuzhong district,8 in Wujiang district),34 live-animal markets have been checked out that it have Positive samples(18 in Gusu district,8 in Xiangcheng district,4 in Wuzhong district,4 in Wujiang district),the percentage is 52.3%,disease control department make nucleic acid examination about H7N9 on this 300 samples,discover that number of Positive are 63 and the percentage is 19.1%
At present,after the risk assessment made by experts,The possibility of humans infected with the disease in Suzhou is high,but the possibility that explodes or popular is low.the consequences is middle,comprehensively the judgment of risk is “medium risk”
To deal with:
Suzhou will suspend live poultry trade since January,12th
In order to prevent and control H7N9 avian flu and other major epidemics,Suzhou yesterday made announcements of “Suzhou people’s government decision about suspended live poultry”.It’s said clearly that all kinds of live poultry trade in all districts of Suzhou are suspended since Jan,12th,2015.According to different situation in different areas,all the districts can determine the suspended time and scope.
When the news spread out,people wonder why the suspension is not carried out immediately.Relevant officer from Suzhou agricultural committee said that the main reason is to give farmers a transition period.It is said that Suzhou is the first city to suspend live poultry in Jiangsu this year.Later on,Suzhou commercial and industrial departments at different levels will strengthen the regulation and management of live poultry trade market .Those go against the announcement and continue operating the business will be investigated in accordance with the law.During this period,Market operation managers will thoroughly clean and disinfect trading places.
Avoid touching live poultry.If you get a fever,see the doctor immediately.
Experts remind that firstly try to avoid touching live poultry in daily life ,especially children.If touched,wash hands with soap immediately.Don’t deal with dead birds or poultry yourself,report the situation to the government.Secondly,Don’t buy live poultry and kill them by yourself.Don’t buy frozen or fresh live poultry without quarantine certificates.Raw poultry,livestock and eggs must be properly cooked.When you eat or process food,seperate the raw meat and the cooked meat to avoid cross infection.If you have symptoms of getting a fever or respiratory tract infection,wear a mask and see the doctor immediately.Tell the doctor if you ever have touched live poultry or travelled.Please get proper treatment and eat pills under doctor’s guidance.
Avian influenza (AI), commonly called bird flu, is an infectious viral disease of birds. Most avian influenza viruses do not infect humans; however some have caused serious infections in people. Three major cities in China have suspended trade in live poultry while the rest of the country remains on edge after 18 cases of H7N9 in humans have been reported in East China.
the main symptoms of human infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus:
most patients with this infection have had severe pneumonia. Symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath. However, information is still limited about the full spectrum of disease that infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus might cause.
How did people become infected with the influenza A(H7N9) virus?
Some of the confirmed cases had contact with animals or with an animal environment. The virus has been found in a pigeon in a market in Shanghai. It is not yet known how persons became infected. The possibility of animal-to-human transmission is being investigated, as is the possibility of person-to-person transmission.
How to prevent ?
1、Hand hygiene
2、Respiratory hygiene
Wash your hands before during and after you prepare food、before you eat、after you use the toilet、after handling animals or animal waste、when your hands are dirty and when providing care when someone in your home is sick. Hand hygiene will also prevent the transmission of infections to yourself (from touching contaminated surfaces) and in hospitals to patients, health care workers and others.
Wash your hands with soap and running water when visibly dirty; if not visibly dirty, wash your hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand cleanser.
Cover your mouth and nose with a medical mask, tissue, or a sleeve or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing; throw the used tissue into a closed bin immediately after use; perform hand hygiene after contact with respiratory secretions.
China approves anti-flu drug with H7N9 potential
BEIJING - China has approved a new type of flu drug that it believes may be effective in treating H7N9 bird flu virus.
According to a statement issued by the China Food and Drug Administration,the potential of injections of peramivir(帕拉米韦) diluted in sodium chloride injection(氯化钠注射液) has been proven by preliminary tests.