语风汉语无锡校 Zack
语风汉语无锡校 Zack
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HSK 3 Vocabulary
rder="1" style="color:#000000;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:15.2px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Hanzi (Simplified) | Pinyin | English |
哎哟 | āiyō | oh; ah |
哎 | āi | alas |
挨 | ái | suffer; endure |
癌 | ái | cancer; carcinoma |
安 | ān | settle; stabilize; settled; stable |
安定 | āndìng | stable; stabilize |
安装 | ānzhuāng | install; erect |
按期 | ànqī | on schedule; on time |
暗暗 | àn'àn | secretly |
熬 | áo | decoct; boil; endure; hold out |
奥秘 | àomì | mystery; enigma |
扒 | bā | push aside; hold on to; strip off; dig up |
把 | bǎ | hold; grasp; control |
把握 | bǎwò | grasp; hold; certainty; assurance |
坝 | bà | dam; dyke; embankment |
罢 | bà | dismiss; cease; stop |
罢工 | bà gōng | strike; walk out |
白白 | báibái | for nothing; in vain; to no purpose |
百货 | bǎihuò | general merchandise |
柏树 | bǎishù | cypress |
摆脱 | bǎituō | free oneself from; get rid of |
拜访 | bàifǎng | pay a visit; call on |
拜会 | bàihuì | pay an official visit; call on |
般 | bān | kind; sort; way; -like |
瓣 | bàn | valve; petal; segment; section |
半岛 | bàndǎo | peninsula |
办理 | bànlǐ | handle; conduct; deal with |
帮 | bāng | gang; band; group; secret society |
绑 | bǎng | bind; tie up |
棒 | bàng | bar; stick; club |
棒 | bàng | good; strong |
镑 | bàng | pound |
包袱 | bāofu | a bundle wrapped in cloth; burden |
包含 | bāohán | contain; embody; include |
包围 | bāowéi | surround; encircle |
剥 | bāo | shell; peel; skin |
保管 | bǎoguǎn | keep; take care of; storekeeper |
保密 | bǎo mì | keep secret; maintain secrecy |
保守 | bǎoshǒu | guard; keep; conservative |
保险 | bǎoxiǎn | safe; be sure; insurance |
保障 | bǎozhàng | ensure; guarantee; protection |
宝 | bǎo | precious things; treasure |
宝石 | bǎoshí | precious stone; gem |
报 | bào | report; announce; declare |
报仇 | bàochóu | revenge; avenge |
报酬 | bàochou | reward; pay |
报复 | bàofù | retaliate; revenge; retaliation; reprisal |
报刊 | bàokān | newspapers and periodicals; the press |
报社 | bàoshè | newspaper office |
暴露 | bàolù | expose; lay bare; divulge; undress |
暴雨 | bàoyǔ | rainstorm; downpour |
爆发 | bàofā | erupt; burst out; break out |
爆炸 | bàozhà | explode; blow up |
悲哀 | bēi'āi | sad; sorrowful; grieved |
悲观 | bēiguān | pessimistic |
辈 | bèi | generation |
背包 | bēibāo | knapsack; backpack; rucksack |
背景 | bèijǐng | background; backdrop |
背诵 | bèisòng | recite |
背心 | bèixīn | vest; jersey; tank |
被动 | bèidòng | passive |
被迫 | bèi pò | be compelled; be forced |
奔 | bēn | run; rush |
奔跑 | bēnpǎo | run; run about |
本人 | běnrén | I; me; myself; oneself |
本身 | běnshēn | itself; in itself |
奔 | bèn | go straight towards; approach; go about doing sth. |
甭 | béng | don't; needn't |
比方 | bǐfang | instance; analogy |
笔试 | bǐshì | written examination |
彼此 | bǐcǐ | each other; one another |
毕竟 | bìjìng | after all; when all is said and done; in the end |
闭幕 | bìmù | close; conclude |
必 | bì | certainly; surely; definitely; necessarily |
必定 | bìdìng | undoubtedly; certainly; surely |
必修 | bìxiū | compulsory; required; obligatory |
必需 | bìxū | necessarily need; be essential |
壁 | bì | wall |
边疆 | biānjiāng | border area; borderland; frontier |
边界 | biānjiè | bound; boundary; border |
边缘 | biānyuán | edge; fringe; brink |
编辑 | biānjí | edit; compile; editor; compiler |
编制 | biānzhì | weave; plait; braid; work out; draw up; size of staff |
便利 | biànlì | convenient; easy; facilitate |
便于 | biànyú | be easy; be convenient |
变动 | biàndòng | alter; change; alteration |
变革 | biàngé | change; transform; transformation |
辩论 | biànlùn | argue; debate; argument |
标语 | biāoyǔ | slogan; poster |
标志 | biāozhì | indicate; mark; sign; symbol |
表情 | biǎoqíng | expression |
别 | bié | stick in; fasten with a pin or clip; leave; part |
别处 | biéchù | another place; elsewhere |
别字 | biézì | wrongly written or mispronounced character |
冰棍儿 | bīnggùnr | popsicle |
柄 | bǐng | handle of sth. |
丙 | bǐng | the third of the ten Heavenly Stems; third |
饼 | bǐng | round flat cake |
病床 | bìngchuáng | hospital bed; sickbed |
病情 | bìngqíng | state of an illness; patient's condition |
剥削 | bōxuē | exploit; exploitation |
播 | bō | sow; seed; broadcast; spread |
播送 | bōsòng | broadcast; beam |
拨 | bō | move sth. with hand, foot, or stick; turn; dial; assign |
波浪 | bōlàng | water wave |
菠菜 | bōcài | spinach |
博士 | bóshì | one who holds the degree of doctor |
博物馆 | bówùguǎn | museum |
薄弱 | bóruò | weak; frail |
不安 | bù'ān | uneasy; disturbed |
不比 | bùbǐ | be unlike |
不曾 | bùcéng | have never done sth. |
不对 | bú duì | not right; wrong; incorrect |
不够 | búgòu | not enough; insufficient; inadequate |
不顾 | búgù | have no consideration for; have no regard for |
不见 | bújiàn | vanish; disappear; not see; not meet |
不见得 | bù jiàndé | not necessarily; not likely |
不禁 | bùjīn | cannot help; cannot refrain from. |
不觉 | bújué | unknowingly; unawares |
不可 | bùkě | cannot; should not; must not |
不利 | búlì | disadvantageous; unfavorable |
不料 | búliào | unexpectedly; to one's surprise |
不满 | bùmǎn | be dissatisfied; be unsatisfied; unsatisfied |
不免 | bùmiǎn | inevitably; would naturally |
不是 | búshi | mistake; fault; blame |
不是 而是 | bùshì … érshì … | not … but … |
不是 就是 | bùshì … jiùshì … | either … or … |
不停 | bùtíng | ceaselessly; constantly; on and on |
不象话 | búxiànghuà | unreasonable; outrageous; shocking |
不由得 | bùyóude | can't help; cannot but |
不在乎 | bù zàihu | not mind; not care |
不怎么样 | bù zěnmeyàng | not so good; not particularly good; pretty bad |
不止 | bùzhǐ | be not limited to; be more than; not stop |
不只 | bùzhǐ | not only; not merely |
不足 | bùzú | not enough; insufficient; inadequate |
布告 | bùgào | notice; bulletin; edict |
步骤 | bùzhòu | step; move; measure |
部署 | bùshǔ | dispose; deploy; deployment; plan |
猜想 | cāixiǎng | suppose; speculate; guess; supposition |
裁缝 | cáifeng | dressmaker; tailor |
裁判 | cáipàn | judge; umpire; act as referee; referee |
才 | cái | talent; ability |
才能 | cáinéng | talent; ability; capacity |
财产 | cáichǎn | property; possessions |
财富 | cáifù | riches; wealth |
财政 | cáizhèng | government finance; public economy |
餐车 | cānchē | dinning car; restaurant car |
参考 | cānkǎo | refer to; consult |
参谋 | cānmóu | give advice; brain man; advisor |
蚕 | cán | silkworm |
残酷 | cánkù | cruel; brutal |
惭愧 | cánkuì | ashamed |
惨 | cǎn | miserable; tragic; cruel; inhumane |
灿烂 | cànlàn | bright; splendid; brilliant; magnificent |
苍白 | cāngbái | pale; wan; pallid |
苍蝇 | cāngying | fly; housefly |
舱 | cāng | cabin; hold |
仓库 | cāngkù | storehouse; warehouse |
操心 | cāo xīn | bother; worry about; take pains |
操纵 | cāozòng | handle; control; operate; manipulate; rig |
操作 | cāozuò | operate; manipulate |
草案 | cǎo'àn | protocol; draft (of a plan, decree, regulation, etc.) |
侧 | cè | side; turn sideways; incline to one side |
测 | cè | measure; survey; fathom; test; exam |
测量 | cèliáng | measure; survey; gauge |
测试 | cèshì | test; examine; trial; testing |
插秧 | chā yāng | transplant rice seedlings |
差别 | chābié | difference; disparity; distinction |
茶馆 | cháguǎn | teahouse |
茶话会 | cháhuàhuì | tea party |
茶叶 | cháyè | tea leaf; tea |
铲 | chǎn | spade; shovel |
产物 | chǎnwù | outcome; result; product |
产值 | chǎnzhí | output value; value of output |
颤动 | chàndòng | vibrate; quiver; shake |
颤抖 | chàndǒu | tremble; shiver; shake |
常识 | chángshí | common sense; general knowledge |
长度 | chángdù | length |
长久 | chángjiǔ | long-lasting; long time; prolonged |
长远 | chángyuǎn | long-distant; long-term; long-range |
肠 | cháng | intestine; sausage |
厂长 | chǎngzhǎng | director of a factory |
场地 | chǎngdì | space; place; site; ground |
场合 | chǎnghé | occasion; situation |
场面 | chǎngmiàn | scene; spectacle; occasion; appearance |
超额 | chāo'é | exceed the quota |
钞票 | chāopiào | bill; note; paper currency |
潮 | cháo | tide; tidewater; upheaval; current |
潮湿 | cháoshī | wet; humid; damp; moist |
吵架 | chǎo jià | quarrel; wrangle; bicker; squabble |
炒 | chǎo | stir-fry; fry; sauté; speculate illegally |
车辆 | chēliàng | vehicles; automobiles |
车厢 | chēxiāng | railway carriage; railroad car |