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    我叫Jennifer,我非常喜欢在语风汉语无锡校学习汉语,这是一个非常好的学习汉语和交朋友的好地方。 ...


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      To offer a humble apology

      During the Warring States Period, the State of Zhao had two powerful ministers, one for each article and one for each force. The name of Wu is Lianpo. He was brave and good at fighting. He led the army many times to defeat Qi and Wei countries. He was famous for his bravery and good at fighting. Wen's name is Lin Xiangru. He is brave and resourceful and fearless in the face of the fierce Qin King. He made two missions to the State of Qin. For the first time, Guobao and Shibi returned to Zhao. For the second time, he accompanied King Zhao to the "Mianchi Meeting" of the King of Qin. Both times, Zhao won a lot of face. Therefore, King Qin dared not underestimate the State of Zhao any more. Therefore, King Zhao first appointed him as a doctor, then as a superior Qing, ranking above general Lianpo.

      Lianpo was very dissatisfied with Lin Xiangru. He thought: If Lin Xiangfu has any ability, he can only play a few mouths, and I am honest enough to be a real hero! He said to his subordinates, "If I see Lin Xiangru, I must let him taste my strength and see how he can treat me!"

      This word came to Lin Xiangru's ears. He simply pretended to be ill and did not go to court to avoid conflicts with Lianpo. He also told his men that they should never quarrel with honest people after meeting them. But the enemy's road is narrow. Once, Lin Xiangru went out to work. He was confronted by Lianpo coming far from the other side. Lin Xiangru asked the coachman to drive the car into the alley and let Lianpo's coaches and horses pass first.

      Lin Xiangru's men were so angry that they blamed him for being timid and afraid of being honest. Lin Xiangru smiled and said, "Which is the most powerful of Lianpo and King Qin?" His men said, "Of course, the King of Qin is fierce." Lin Xiangru went on to say, "I am not afraid of even the King of Qin. Will I be afraid of being honest? You know, the Qin State is afraid to fight Zhao State because of the domestic civil servants and military generals. The two of us are like two tigers. If the two tigers fight, one of them will inevitably be injured, which creates a good opportunity for Qin to attack Zhao. Think about it, does the state matter, or does the private face matter? So I'd rather give in a little."

      Lian Po felt very ashamed when the words came to him. One day, he went to Lin Xiangru's house to plead guilty, naked and carrying thorns. Lin Xiangru hastily helped Lianpo up. Since then, they have become the best intimate friends, one article and one weapon, and jointly defend the Zhao State.

      Lianpo is not only a fierce general, but also a warrior, a warrior who dares to face mistakes, admit mistakes and correct mistakes. Knowing mistakes can be corrected, this is the education we received from childhood, but because of the face problem, many times, even if we know that we made mistakes, it is difficult to take the initiative to admit mistakes. It takes a lot of effort to blindly avoid the mistakes you make. Instead of wasting so much time and energy, it is better to pay directly for your mistakes and regard them as a profound lesson. People always grow up in bumps and bumps. The mistake is only a small puddle. Many people are wet by the splash of water before they know they need to avoid it carefully in the future. Therefore, don't be afraid of making mistakes on the way forward. As long as you accept and pay attention to corrections frankly after making mistakes, there will be fewer and fewer small puddles and the way forward will be smoother and smoother.

      잘못을 인정하여 정중히 사죄하다

      전국시게에 조나라는 ,무 두명의 유능한 대신이 있었다.염파라고 하는 무장은 영용하게 싸워 제나라,위나라 등 나라들을 수차 물리쳤으며 용맹하게 싸워 제후들에게 이름을 날렸다.문관은 린상여라고 부르는데 그는 용맹하고 모략이 있으며 강한 진왕을 마주하고 위험에 직면하여서도 두려워하지 않았다.그는 진나라에 두차례 출사하였는데 처음에는 국보와 벽벽을 그대로 조나라에 모시도록 하였고 두번째에서는 조왕을 모시고 진왕비의 민지에 가보니 적지 않은 체면을 민다고 하였다.그리하여 조왕은 먼저 그를 대부 봉하고 후에는 상경으로 봉하여 대장 염파보다 높은 지위에 올려놓았다.

      염파는 린상여에 대해 매우 따르지 않는다.그는 린상여에 어떤 능력이 있는지는 다름이 아니라 말솜씨를 좀 놀릴줄 아는데 나의 염파야말로 진정한 공신이라고 생각하였다.그는 부하들에게"내가 린상여를 만났으면 나의 린상여를 꼭 맛보게하고 그가 나를 어떻게 여길지 지켜볼 것"이라고 말했다.

      린상여의하들은 화가 상하여 린상여는 담이 작고 염파를 두려워하면서 잇달아 린상여를 나무랐다.린상여 웃으며"염파와 진왕 중 누가 더 심한가"라고 말했다."진왕 대단하다"고 했다.린상여는 이어"내가 진왕도 두려워하지 않는데 염파가 두렵겠냐.진나라가 지금 조나라를 감히 공격하지 못하는것은 바로 국내의 문관과 무장들이 한마음이 되였기때문이다.우리 두사람은 마치 두마리 호랑이와 같다. 두마리 호랑이가 싸우기 시작하면 상처만 입을수도 있어 진나라가 조나라를 공격할수 있는 좋은 기회를 만들어주었다.국가의 일이 긴요한가 아니면 개인의 체면이 긴가 하는것을 동무들은 생각해보기 바란다.차라리 참고 양보하겠다"고 말했다.

      말이 염파의 귀에 들어가자 그는 매우 부끄러움을 느꼈다.어느날, 그는 상체를 벗고 가시나무를 짊어지고 린상여의 집에 가서 죄를 청하였다.린상여는 재빨리 염파를 일으켜 세웠다.이때로부터 두 사람은 더없이 절친한 친구로 되여 글 한편에 무예를 다하면서 함께 조나라를 보위하였다.

      염파는 맹장일 뿐만 아니라 용사이며, 잘못을 인정하고 고치는 데 용감하다.잘못을 알고 고치는게 소변교육이지만, 체면 때문에 자신이 잘못을 저질렀다는 것을 알면서도 스스로 잘못을 인정하기 어려운 경우가 많다.자기가 범한 오유를 덮어놓고 회피하려면 많은 힘을 들여야 한다. 이렇게 많은 시간과 정력을 허비하기보다는 직접 자기의 잘못을 해명하고 그것을 한차례의 심각한 교훈으로 간주해야 한다.사람은 언제나 매번 티격태격 부딪치는 가운데서 성장하며 착오는 작은 물웅덩이에 지나지 않는다. 많은 사람들은 물방울이 튀어 물에 젖어본적이 있기때문에 이후에 조심스레 피해야 한다는것을 알게 된다.그러므로 전진과정에 오유를 범할가봐 두려워하지 말아야 한다. 오유를 범한후 솔직하게 접수하고 시정하기에 주의를 돌리면 그후의 작은 구덩이는 갈수록 적어지고 전진의 길은 갈수록 순조로워진다.

