语风汉语无锡校 Zack
维多利亚Victoria,来自德国的一位11岁的小女孩 ,现读于语风汉语高级2AII班。自2011年3月Victoria进入语风汉语这个大家庭,不知...
Cherry Queen 中文名: 钱沫以 年龄:10岁 级别:无锡语风汉语初级08C班
Michael 刚刚来我们无锡语风汉语学校不久的美国学生,第一次到中国的他面对陌生的面孔,陌生的建筑,陌生的语言……显然一切都是...
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Wuxi Mandarin Education School
console oneself with false hopes
This time, miss liu, a teacher of Chinese as a foreign language at WUXI
mandarinedu introduced to the foreign students the idiom story of console
oneself with false hopes:
One summer, Cao Cao led the troops to fight against Zhang xiu. The weather was extremely hot, and the sun was like a fire. there was no cloud in the sky. The troops were walking along the winding mountain path, with dense trees on both sides and rocks burning with the sun, which made people breathless. By noon, the soldiers' clothes were soaked and the speed of marching slowed down. Several weak soldiers fainted on the roadside.
Cao cao saw that the speed of the march was getting slower and slower. But how could tens of thousands of troops speed up when they could not even drink water? He immediately called the guide and whispered to him, "is there a water source near here?" The guide shook his head and said, "the spring water is on the other side of the valley, which is a long way to make a detour." Cao cao meditated for a moment and said, "no, time is not enough." He looked at the trees in front of him and thought for a moment. Then he said to the guide, "don't say anything,I will come up with a solution. He knew that it would be useless to order his troops to speed up at the moment.he quickly rushed to the front of the troops , pointing his whip to the front, he said, "soldiers, I know there is a big forest of plums ahead, where plums are big and delicious, hurry up and bypass the hill to Merlin!" When the soldiers heard this, they seemed to have eaten it, and their spirits were so great that the pace could not be accelerated.
Cao cao successfully overcame the difficulty of thirst by taking advantage of people's conditional reflex to the sour taste of plums. It can be seen that people in the face of difficulties, do not blindly fear, should always use the desire for success to motivate themselves, will have enough courage to overcome difficulties, reach the other side of success.
매실을 바라보며 갈증을 풀다
이번 우시어풍중국어 교육센터의 대외중국어선생 유선생님은 육학생들에게 매실을 바라보며 갈증을 푸는 성어 이야기를 소개햇다.
어느 해 여름, 조조가 부대를 거느리고 장수를 토벌하러 갔을 때 날씨가 어찌나 더운지 하늘에 구름 한점도 없다. 부대는 구불구불한 산길을 걷고있었다.양쪽에 빼곡한 나무들과 햇빛에 타는 바위는 숨막힐만큼 답답했다.점심때가 되자 병사들의 옷이 흠뻑 젖어있었고 행군속도도 느려져 몸이 약한 몇몇 병사들은 길가에서 기절하고말았다.
조조는 행군의 속도가 갈수록 느려지는것을 보고 전투기회를 놓칠가봐 매우 조급해하였다.그러나 지금 수만명의 인마가 물도 마시지 못하고있는데 어떻게 속도를 다그칠수 있겠는가?그는 안내자를 불러"이 부근에 수원이 있을까?"라고 살며시 물었다.안내자는 고개를 저었다.조조는 잠시 생각에 잠겼다."안 돼, 시간이 없어."그는 앞쪽의 숲을 보고 잠시 생각에 잠겼다가 안내원에게"아무 말도 하지 마, 내가 방법을 생각해 볼게."라고 말했다.그는이 순간이 부대에 속도를 높이도록 명령해도 소용이 없다는 것을 알고 있다."사병들이여, 앞에 큰 매화가 있다는 것을 압니다. 그 매실은 크고 맛있습니다. 우리는 빨리 길을 재촉해서이 언덕을 돌아서 매림으로 가겠습니다!"군인들은 먹은듯이 정신이 번쩍 들어 걸음을 재촉했다.
조조는 사람들의 매실의 신맛에 대한 조건반사를 리용하여 건조한 갈증을 이겨냈다.이로부터 사람들이 곤난에 부딪쳤을 때 덮어놓고 앞으로 나아가지 말고 항상 성공에 대한 갈망으로 자신을 격려해야 한다는것을 알수 있다.
console oneself with false hopes
This time, miss liu, a teacher of Chinese as a foreign language at WUXI mandarinedu introduced to the foreign students the idiom story of console
oneself with false hopes:
One summer, Cao Cao led the troops to fight against Zhang xiu. The weather was extremely hot, and the sun was like a fire. there was no cloud in the sky. The troops were walking along the winding mountain path, with dense trees on both sides and rocks burning with the sun, which made people breathless. By noon, the soldiers' clothes were soaked and the speed of marching slowed down. Several weak soldiers fainted on the roadside.
Cao cao saw that the speed of the march was getting slower and slower. But how could tens of thousands of troops speed up when they could not even drink water? He immediately called the guide and whispered to him, "is there a water source near here?" The guide shook his head and said, "the spring water is on the other side of the valley, which is a long way to make a detour." Cao cao meditated for a moment and said, "no, time is not enough." He looked at the trees in front of him and thought for a moment. Then he said to the guide, "don't say anything,I will come up with a solution. He knew that it would be useless to order his troops to speed up at the moment.he quickly rushed to the front of the troops , pointing his whip to the front, he said, "soldiers, I know there is a big forest of plums ahead, where plums are big and delicious, hurry up and bypass the hill to Merlin!" When the soldiers heard this, they seemed to have eaten it, and their spirits were so great that the pace could not be accelerated.
Cao cao successfully overcame the difficulty of thirst by taking advantage of people's conditional reflex to the sour taste of plums. It can be seen that people in the face of difficulties, do not blindly fear, should always use the desire for success to motivate themselves, will have enough courage to overcome difficulties, reach the other side of success.
매실을 바라보며 갈증을 풀다
이번 우시어풍중국어 교육센터의 대외중국어선생 유선생님은 육학생들에게 매실을 바라보며 갈증을 푸는 성어 이야기를 소개햇다.
어느 해 여름, 조조가 부대를 거느리고 장수를 토벌하러 갔을 때 날씨가 어찌나 더운지 하늘에 구름 한점도 없다. 부대는 구불구불한 산길을 걷고있었다.양쪽에 빼곡한 나무들과 햇빛에 타는 바위는 숨막힐만큼 답답했다.점심때가 되자 병사들의 옷이 흠뻑 젖어있었고 행군속도도 느려져 몸이 약한 몇몇 병사들은 길가에서 기절하고말았다.
조조는 행군의 속도가 갈수록 느려지는것을 보고 전투기회를 놓칠가봐 매우 조급해하였다.그러나 지금 수만명의 인마가 물도 마시지 못하고있는데 어떻게 속도를 다그칠수 있겠는가?그는 안내자를 불러"이 부근에 수원이 있을까?"라고 살며시 물었다.안내자는 고개를 저었다.조조는 잠시 생각에 잠겼다."안 돼, 시간이 없어."그는 앞쪽의 숲을 보고 잠시 생각에 잠겼다가 안내원에게"아무 말도 하지 마, 내가 방법을 생각해 볼게."라고 말했다.그는이 순간이 부대에 속도를 높이도록 명령해도 소용이 없다는 것을 알고 있다."사병들이여, 앞에 큰 매화가 있다는 것을 압니다. 그 매실은 크고 맛있습니다. 우리는 빨리 길을 재촉해서이 언덕을 돌아서 매림으로 가겠습니다!"군인들은 먹은듯이 정신이 번쩍 들어 걸음을 재촉했다.
조조는 사람들의 매실의 신맛에 대한 조건반사를 리용하여 건조한 갈증을 이겨냈다.이로부터 사람들이 곤난에 부딪쳤을 때 덮어놓고 앞으로 나아가지 말고 항상 성공에 대한 갈망으로 자신을 격려해야 한다는것을 알수 있다.