Jude, étudiant de Mandarin Edu de Suzhou
Jude, étudiant de Mandarin Edu de Suzhou
Je m'appelle Jude, j'apprends le Mandarin à Suzhou Mandarin Sch...
Jessie, étudiante à Mandarin Edu
Jessie, étudiante à Mandarin Edu
J'ai appris le Chinois presque 8 ans, je peux comprendre ce que les Chi...
Florent, étudiant à Mandarin Edu
Florent, étudiant à Mandarin Edu
J'adore Mandarin Education School de Wuxi. C'est la manière LA PLUS FA...
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Le vent en langue Brad élèves
Je suis en train d'étudier le Chinois à Mandarin Education School. Je peux...
Jennifer, étudiante à Mandarin Edu
Jennifer, étudiante à Mandarin Edu
J'adore apprendre le Chinois à Mandarin Education School. C'est un en...
Zack, étudiant à Mandarin Edu
Zack, étudiant à Mandarin Edu
Mandarin Education School est une place très adaptée à l'apprentissage du ...
Kevin, étudiant à Mandarin Edu
Kevin, étudiant à Mandarin Edu
Mandarin Education School est un endroit excellent pour apprendre le chin...
Mandarin E-Learning
Mandarin E-Learning
Mandarin Education School offre des cours de Chinois en ligne. Cela n'a jamais été aussi facil...
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Mandarin Education School
Room 405,Building 8,Maoye
Business Centre,Changjiang
No.1,New District,Wuxi, China
亲爱的HSK考生 / Dear HSK Testers:
2018年10月份孔子学院总部/国家汉办汉语HSK考试成绩报告已到无锡语风考点,请考生相互通知并及时领取。无锡语风将为大家保留HSK证书三年时间,三年内考生本人均可以持有效证件领取。如果你已经丢失了你的HSK准考证件,请登录到你申请汉语水平HSK考试的网站打印相关证明。无锡语风汉语HSK考试中心的上班时间是每周一到周五 9:30到下午6:00,如果这个时间你不方便领取证书,需要另外约定时间,请联系我们的微信:18661199988,或者您也可以直接拨打我们这个电话。
The HSK certificate ( the test held in October ) already arrived Wuxi Mandarinedu school / WUXI HSK TEST CENTER, you can come to get your own with your admission ticket and pasport. We will take care of your certificates three years, you can come to get it with your right proof in three year after your test. If you lost your admistion ticket,please get on the website you applied the HSK test to print a proof. Our working time is : Every Mondays to Fridays from 9:30 to 18:00, If you can't come on this time, you can contact us to make the appointment. Our Wechat is: 18661199988, or you can call us with this number also.
If you can't come to get your certificate by yourself. Here are three ways to get it :
1、绿色通道:如果你是公司的员工,您可以请你们公司的HR、秘书、助理和我们联系,我们的电话:0510-81151808,83488838,邮箱:ccs@mandarinedu.org ,公司可以和我们签订相关责任协议并指定考试报名和证书领取的组织人员,之后贵公司的所有考生都可以通过贵公司的这位组织人员直接邮件联系我们报名和领取证书,协议期间不再需要其他证明手续。
1. The easy and GREEN way: If you work in a company, you can ask your HR , Secretary, Assistant or someone who charge the traning or learning contact us. Our telephone is: 0510-81151808, 83488838, Our Email is: ccs@mandarinedu.org , We can sign a credibility and integrity agreement with your company, After your company can arrange a person to deal with all the HSK test applying,checking the result with us, getting the certificates from us etc. During the agreement period, you don't need do any fees or procedures except send an email to us.
2、由你的朋友或者同事前来领取。需要你用注册报名的邮箱发送邮件到ccs@mandarinedu.org ,然后告诉我们代领人的信息。代领人来考点领取证书的时候需要携带你考试的准考证、护照复印件和他本人的身份证件,我们将进行拍照存档。
2. Your friend or your colleagues come to get the certificate. We need you send us an email to tell us by the same email you register on the HSK test website. Our email is: ccs@mandarinedu.org, you need tell us who and when will come to get your certificate on that email. The person who come to us need bring your passport copy,admission ticket and his or her own Identity Document. We will take a picture to save it before we give out your certificate.
3. Need EMS to you. Please send us an email with the same email you register on the Chinese test website. You need tell us your information and where you want we send to you. After that, you can add our wechat: 18661199988, send your passport copy and admission ticket. After we confirmed the information. We will EMS to you, you will pay the EMS fee by yourself.
We are sorry to strict the Certificate Procedures, our aim is to protect every certificate goes to the right tester and not be arrested for other purposes. We hope all the testers understand and cooperate with this procedure. Thanks.
Wuxi HSK Test Center
Wuxi Mandarinedu School
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