- 그리고 외환, 또는 중국 학생 방문에 더 의존
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- 외국 하나 씩 중국어 의 침투 식 서예 수업 을 시작 했 다
- 모 도 중국어 인식하다 쓰기 힘 들 어 지 면서 남 긴 ' 가장 并茂 백미 였 다
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수업할 떄 힘드는 시간도 있어요
수업할 떄 힘드는 시간도 있어요.그 때에는 우리 선생님이 저랑 게임을 하면서 중국어를 배웠어요.이렇게 수업하는 게 정말 좋아요.기쁘게 ...
중국어를 배운 동안
중국어를 배운 동안,제일 기쁜 시간은 회화 연습 때예요.중국어를 크게 말할 떄 기분이 너무 좋아요.저는 중국어를 사랑해요.)在无...
저도 선생님이 되고 싶어요
(저도 선생님이 되고 싶어요.쉬는 시간에 칠판에 그림을 그리고 글자도 쓸 수 있어요.너무 기뻐요.)我也想当汉语老师,中文课课间休息时间...
중국어는 어렵지만 재미있어요
(중국어는 어렵지만 재미있어요.열심히 공부하면 꼭 진보할 것이라고 믿어요.엄마가 나에게 100점 따면 상품을 줄거라고 약속했어요.ㅎㅎ)...
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Wuxi Mandarin student
(여름 방학동안 중국에서 1달정도 머물렀어요.짧은 시간인데 누나랑 간단한 회화를 말할 수 있었어요.너무 기뻤어요!우리 아빠,엄마가 저...
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어로 바람 중국어 학생 Kevin 이다
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0086 1866 1199 988
无锡新区长江一号 茂业
Wuxi Mandarin Education School
- Education/Consulting/Translation
- Tourism/Hospitality
- International Trade/Marketing/Finance
- IT / Engineering
- Architecture/Urban Planning
- Media/Entertainment
- PR/ Event Planning/Copywriter
- Editor /Journalist
- Fine Art/Design/Fashion
China is becoming one of the powerful country in the world, and, this last decade, it opened up to the rest of the world. On the one hand, Chinese companies try to expand overseas, and, on the other hand, more and more foreign companies settle in Chinato widen their business. However, both are looking for a foreigner who speaks Chinese and had at least one experience and in a Chinese company in their crews.
In order to boost your career, Mandarin School proposes a package combining Chinese lessons and internship, for students and professionals. Our program is the only opportunity to learn Chinese from beginner to advanced level, and have a first working experience in China.
Where ?
The school is based in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, 150km from Shanghai (40 minutes by train).The Jiangsu province is the richest province in China (Shanghai is the richest hub, Suzhou (between Shanghai and Wuxi) the 5th, and Wuxi the 9th).
The city has known a fast economic development these two last decades thanks to its proximity to Shanghai and the Tai Hu lake, which makes trade easier. So far, the city counts more than 7 million inhabitants.
Why do I need to speak Chinese before doing my internship ?
Firstly, the common idea we may have in occidental countries that everywhere, people speak english, is wrong. (Only a few Chineses speak English). Obviously, enjoying the stay implies learning Chinese !
The main goal of the program is to give to our student the basics about the Chinese language; after one month of class, the students are able to have a talk with colleagues and people they met. For people who already speak Chinese, suitable Chinese lessons are provided. Exams are planed during the first month to test students. A final exam is scheduled before starting the internship. That final exam also prepares students to HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi), literally translated as "Chinese Proficiency Test".
Besides, Chineses are very sensitive about foreigners speaking their language; speak Chinese will allow you to appreciate much more your stay; indeed, the life is very hard when you do not know how much something costs, or when you want to go somewhere and have to ask to someone your way ... All these details, which we might not think about at first, are in reality very important.
On top of that, the first month spent in class is very useful to get used to the Chinese way of life; the climate, the food (and also eat with chopsticks), the behaviour in society, the tinking ... Get used to all of this is the best way to start the internship in the best conditions.
What kind of internships ?
In Wuxi, the school offers internships in the following sectors :
For who, how long, ... ?
The internship is designed for student who currently pass a bachelor or master degree. The internship period is between one month and six month, possibly extendable.
The common language at the school is the english. The chinese lessons and the internship will be in english (if the student does not has the level in chinese). A good english level is consequently required (Toeic ≥ 750, level B2 : European ranking).
All the students live in a building near to a mall and the school. According to the internship location, students may be moved in an other apartment to be closer to their work. Internet, the catch-up to the airport at the arrival, the official invitation letter, ... is provided by the school.